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Student Org Merchandise Sales

     At DCOM, we allow out student organizations to run fundraisers throughout the year in order to raise money to support their students as well as donate to the community. When sales are made known to us, we will update the items being sold and a link to access the sale.


Student Osteopathic Medical Association

SOMA is selling beach towels! Show some LMUDCOM pride at pools, rivers, lakes, etc.! Fundraiser will close 8/29.


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Physicians in Public Health

     Fall fundraiser of medically themed socks and mugs as a package together. We are still teasing out details about prices, and will update as soon as possible!

Student American Academy of Osteopathy (SAAO)

     This fall we plan on selling OMM tables! Details to come. 

Internal Medicine

     Internal Medicine Club is launching their annual fundraiser! The link will remain open until August 31st at Midnight! Please contact Caroline Chapman regarding questions/concerns:


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If you are part of a student organization and want to have your fundraising added or updated here, please contact the SGA VP2

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